Wednesday, March 23, 2011

bajo control obrero

dime que camino estamos tomando

vete preparando

ya está comenzando

karamelo santo, haciendo bulla


welcome to the reclaimed hotel bauen, buenos aires, argentina. bajo control obrero/under worker control :)

right now they are getting ready for

@ 5pm : 28 march 2011
plaza de los dos congresos
buenos aires, argentina

featuring dub-cumbia-ska-roqueros karamelo santo and also expropriados, the hotel workers' band (nice band name!). i want to go! but i am here ;( if you are there, this is for you...

¡¡expropriación YA!!


the argentine military coup happened almost exactly 35 years ago, at dawn on march 24th 1976.

this clip is set to haciendo bulla (making noise) by kar
amelo santo. on the anniversary of the coup, let's have some tribute to many years of heroic argentine popular struggle... brought to you by the madres, abuelas, hijos, piqueteros, & obreros, aka the people of argentina!

¡¡¡todo el poder al pueblo!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

what makes a movement?

and how does a movement move?...

the left forum (artist formerly known as the socialist scholars' conference) takes place in nyc starting tomorrow...

left forum 2011
the new solidarity
march 18th - 20th
pace university
new york


without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.

: lenin

we sayin' something like this—we saying that theory's cool, but theory with no practice ain't shit.

: fred hampton jr.

maraming salamat to sergio :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

we dont need no occupation

roger waters, of pink floyd, in the guardian:

In 1980, a song I wrote, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, was banned by the government of South Africa because it was being used by black South African children to advocate their right to equal education. That apartheid government imposed a cultural blockade, so to speak, on certain songs, including mine.

Twenty-five years later, in 2005, Palestinian children participating in a West Bank festival used the song to protest against Israel's wall around the West Bank. They sang: "We don't need no occupation! We don't need no racist wall!"


Artists were right to refuse to play in South Africa's Sun City resort until apartheid fell and white people and black people enjoyed equal rights. And we are right to refuse to play in Israel until the day comes – and it surely will come – when the wall of occupation falls ...


palestine will be free : maher zain

admittedly, islamic r&b is not my most favorite style. but what a beautifully animated video, no? and what beautiful sentiments. ¡¡palestina sera libré!!

prince was here

you can be the president
i’d rather be the pope

you can be the side effect
i’d rather be the dope

why don’t pop songs have lyrics like that anymore?


prince was here a couple weeks ago, and left all this prince-dust floating around in his wake. i heard lots of gushing testimony about his shows (including a guest appearance by sheila e singing glamorous life?! wow). and then i was walking along broadway and this car drove up and stopped at the light, playing prince on the stereo oakland-style at high volume like a public service.

i wanna be your

the car drove off but this lady walking next to me took up right where he left off...


was great. thanks, prince. thanks, prince fanáticas!

i grew up listening to prince, in part because my teenage cousin was super obsessed. i remember her car ceiling was full of tiny prince pins and her part of the bedroom wall she shared with her sister was full of half-naked prince pictures. at family weddings we would always bother the dj until he relented to play little red corvette. it was always the same. we would keep asking at regular intervals. he would finally play it, and the kids would run to take over the dance floor while the adults sat this one out waiting for the rancheras or whatever to resume.


i could never take the place of your man : prince

i'm going leaving you with this, from his recent show at the oakland coliseum. can i just say this man is 52 years old?

thank you, amy :)