Saturday, January 31, 2009

trotsky vengarán

there's a punk band from uruguay called trotsky vengarán (they will avenge trotsky), tkyvgn for short. jejeje;)

todo puede estar mucho peor
todo puede estar mucho peor

aunque todo este mal
todo puede empeorar...


it can all get a lot worse
it can all get a lot worse

even though it's all bad
it can get worse...

here is a video. i especially like the animated text that says enjoy the miseria and feel the hambre.

todo puede estar mucho peor
: trotsky vengarán

you can see their live performance of ni olvido ni perdon (neither forget nor forgive) here. ni olvido ni perdon is a common slogan taken up by popular organizations in south america, generally as a call to action against complicity with the legacies of state repression from the dictatorships & dirty wars. and here someone made a video for tkyvgn's justicia infinita (infinite justice). justicia infinita is ...well... self-explanatory.

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