Friday, October 2, 2009

las noticias de hoy ;)

you know (yes, i know you know), lots of "journalism" is such garbage. and local tv news is at the top of that list, right above most (increasingly de-skilled & concentrated / centralized) "local" city newspapers.

it is, however, good for a laugh once in awhile! gotta love youtube for this kind of thing...

oh my gosh did you catch the expression on the co-anchor's face on the second one? hilarious.


as for avoiding the vast array of media basura, may i suggest the following for
generally high-quality writing (i mean, god, is it really so difficult?), relevant content, & useful analysis...

la jornada

página 12

electronic intifada (& sister intifadas)

the guardian


al-jazeera (english)


and may i also suggest you console yourself about the current state of journalism with a little silvio?

resúmen de noticias : silvio rodriguez

yo he preferido hablar de cosas imposibles
porque de lo posible se sabe demasiado...

ps: gracias to gg & j for informing me of the above excellent clips, jejeje.

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