Sunday, December 7, 2008

Aterciopelados keeps it flowing with Río

I finally got around to downloading the new Aterciopelados album Rio. The album contains thirteen songs that feature familiar Atercios sounds (a mixture of rock, electronic, and folk beats) as well as the predictable Atercios themes of peace, love, and Mother Earth. But lest one forget what it takes for peace and love to flourish on the planet, the eighth track, entitled “Bandera,” offers a reminder that the world’s social and spiritual ills exist within a political context.

"Bandera" - Los Aterciopelados

Quién dice cuál es la bandera que sobre un pedazo de tierra ondea
Quién decide quien tiene el poder de limitar mi caminar, dime quién

Quién dijo que un trozo de tela encierra las puertas y las fronteras
Quién me limita este mi planeta si soy tercermundista y empaco mis maletas

Cómo te vas a aprovechar de que no tengo papeles, de que soy ilegal
Mi trabajo humilde y tenaz vale lo mismo que el tuyo o quizá mas

(Who says which flag will wave over a piece of earth
Who decides who has the power to limit my path, tell me who
Who said that a piece of cloth closes the doors and the borders
Who limits this, my planet, if I’m from the third world and I pack my bags
How are you going to take advantage of the fact that I don’t have papers, that I’m illegal
My humble and tenacious work is worth the same as yours or perhaps more...)

Instead of being just another anti-border song (can there ever be enough?), "Bandera" is characterized by los Atercios’ global perspective. It’s refreshing to hear an anti-border song in a woman’s voice and in Andrea Echeverri’s root-deep tones no-less. It’s also a grounding listen in the face of this disturbing bit of news.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here is the video from the album’s title song. The images of Echeverrí pregnant, the swimming baby, and the flow of city traffic give the impression that this song is not just about clean water but is a metaphor for larger-scale enfermedades both social and spiritual as well as structural. Rezos para el río indeed.

1 comment:

Paul Dryden said...

great blog post! "rio" is an amazing album.

if you like them, then you should like everything else on their label nacional records -

manu chao, nortec collective, plastilina mosh, etc