Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pinches Capitalistas...US Edition

As the media basks on the meaningless rising numbers on Wall Street and in declaring victory for capitalism, it is still all too clear that the poor continue to get poorer, and the rich continue to accumulate ill gotten funds to pay for offensively extravagant lives.

Pinche California Governor Schwarzenegger has ordered cuts of over $85 billion from services, including health insurance for children, assistance for people with AIDS, and families with foster children. State workers will be forced to furlough 3 working days of each month, a 14% cut in wages. At the same time, Andres Piedrahita, who helped loose over $6.7 billion through Bernard Madoff's $50 Billion global ponzi scheme, just bought a $30 Million boat to cruise in. The malvados are oblivious to the charities they have pilfered or the pensions they have pillaged. He and Schwarzenegger do not lose any comforts or sleep while millions loose pensions, homes, health care, and their very lives.

Abajos with these pinche criminales who get away and prosper from these atrocious crimes where they ruin thousands of people’s lives, yet do not have to face any repercussions!!

Pinches Capitalista!

A la Mierda: Ska-P

5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO: The Coup

White Riot: The Clash

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