Monday, June 22, 2009

radio venceremos & the butterfly

i found this email in my inbox that mp sent to claudia & me, about radio venceremos and the fmlnista they call la mariposa (butterfly). lovely!!! i am pasting it all below...

fellow enthusiasts of the fmln,

i have spent the last weeks immersed in a book of memoirs about radio venceremos. the stories are incredible. literally i am reading with my mouth open. and i just have to share my excitement and i thought you two would appreciate.

so one of the amazing stories is of marina manzanares, a student militant and famous agitator who became the only woman co-host of radio venceremos, known by her code name/nickname "mariposa". unlike most of the radio venceremos crew, she survived the civil war, and remained a militant in the fmln.

in 2006, during the wave of repression and murders, the paramilitary tortured and killed both her parents, in their 70s. fucking mind boggling.

she remained a militant and an agitator. and this year, she got to see the fmln come into power. here's footage of her getting a song dedicated to her and agitating the shit out of the crowd. you'll notice the chant "los masacrados seran vengados!" and her statement about her parents torture & assasination: "NO me siento sola. estan todos ustedes CONMIGO!" and everyone goes crazy. amazing.


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