Tuesday, June 2, 2009

ska-p sings victor jara

so, speaking of favorite cover-songs and of victor jara...

here is ska-p's version of jara's juan sin tierra (landless juan). theirs contains the original lyrics, which comprise a mexican revolution corrido, and also a few lines in honor of jara himself:

no olvidamos el valor de victor jara

dando la cara siempre a la represión
le cortaron sus dedos y su lengua
y hasta la muerte gritó revolución

we don't forget the courage of victor jara

always standing up to repression

they cut his fingers and his tongue
and til death he shouted revolution

juan sin tierra : ska-p (original, victor jara)

and speaking of the land for those who work it (!!)... i was recently developing curriculum on the mst, the brazilian landless workers movement, and came across this history of slogans from 1979 to 2012. ¡que viva el mst!

Terra Para Quem Nela Trabalha!
Land for Those Who Work on It!

Sem Reforma Agraria nao havera democracia e só ocupaçao é a soluçao!
Without Land Reform, there will be no democracy & land occupation is the only solution!

Ocupar, Produzir, Resistir!
Occupy, Produce and Resist!

Reforma agraria: Uma luta de todos!
Agrarian Reform: A fight for all!

Reforma Agraria: Por um Brasil Sem Latifundios!
Agrarian Reform: for a Brazil without Large Plantations!

Reforma Agraria: Por Justica Social e Soberania Popular!
Agrarian Reform: For Social Justice & Popular Sovereignty!

fotos : mst (movimento dos trabalhadores rurais sem terra), brazil. of course, sebastião salgado.

1 comment:

♫ En El Palacio De La Risa Y El Dolor ♪ ☆ said...


AGUANTE SKA-P, Pulpul!!!!