Tuesday, January 12, 2010

defender lo nuestro

;( jesus christ. what the hell is wrong with people?

well, this is what you get when you reside in a "nation"-state founded as a white settler colony. apparently colonization, theft, murder, enslavement, and lies have not been enough. more lies are now needed. the texas state board of education is set to vote tomorrow on revisions to state standards for k-12 social studies. on the table for a preliminary vo
te is putting more christianity in and taking the mexicans out.

you know what though, cabrones, it doesn't matter, we are winning the demographics war (just like the palestinans)! right now over half of texas schoolchildren are latinos & that proportion is growing all the time so chíngense. or to put it in a language you can understand: go to hell!!!


i remember once at university, during the fight over (i think) ethnic studies, j. luna was agitating at a protest and she yelled "they are trying to invisibilize us! we won't let them!" well, time again not to let them. you can see more about this at the united farm workers (cesar chavez is on the list for proposed invisibilizing), and write a letter to the texas board of education telling them not to be so stupid.

my father, when he was a kid, used to work the summers picking fruit with his family in the orchards of southern & central california. a few years ago we ran into dolores huerta (pictured above), and my dad went up to her for a big abrazo & to tell her how much the efforts of the ufw meant to him. current issues with the ufw aside, the early movement for farm worker rights will always be our history, in our blood & in our hearts. let's defend what's ours.

here are some old ufw songs to play while you compose your letter to the texas state board of education:

el picket sign : teatro campesino

niños campesinos (farm worker children) : teatro campesino

yo no le tengo miedo a nada (i'm not afraid of anything) : ufw meeting, 1966

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