Friday, March 19, 2010

Liberation Lullaby

In trying to dig up some songs I could learn to sing to my daughter, I came across this in my collection. The video features images of cute chiapaneco babies, but the recording has better sound and pleasing harmonies.

Oscar Chavez: Duérmete niño bonito

Here are a few verses:

Duérmete niño bonito / Sleep pretty little boy
Duérmete chiapaniquito/ Sleep little Chiapan
Duérmete mi niño enfermo / Sleep my sick child
Duérmete mi niño eterno / Sleep my eternal child
Que hasta aquí no entra el gobierno / For here the government does not enter

Duérmete niña bontia / Sleep pretty little girl
Duérmete chiquiquitita / Sleep tiny little one
Duérmete la lluvia empapa / Sleep for the rain is wetting
Duérmete bajo mi capa / Sleep beneath my cloak
Que hasta aquí no llega el papa / For here the pope does not arrive

Duérmete niñita bella / Sleep beautiful little girl
Duérmete mi linda estrella / Sleep my pretty star
Duérmete sierra a la vista / Sleep, there are mountains within view
Duérmete mi niña lista / Sleep my smart girl
Que te arrula un zapatista / For a Zapatista sings you to sleep

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