Thursday, March 11, 2010

¡¡¡todos con palestina!!!

it's (anti) israeli apartheid week(s)! ok, well mostly it was last week but it's also a little bit this week. and really shouldn't every week be anti israeli apartheid week? claaaro que sí.

What: Israeli Apartheid Week 2010
When: Between March 1st – March 14th 2010

The 6th annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) will take place between March 1 – March 14th in various cities across the globe. IAW will feature lectures, film screenings, cultural activities, and demonstrations aimed at raising awareness about Israel’s apartheid policies toward Palestinians and to gather support for the international Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign. The demands of the BDS campaign are:

1. Ending Israel's occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;

2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and

3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.


incidentally, i realized when googling for the iaw website that "israeli apartheid week" is censored in google's auto-suggest (when you type something into the search field and it gives you a bunch of suggestions for search queries which match up with what you've typed so far). upon closer examination it seems that it's actually the word "apartheid" which is blacklisted, but i have no doubt that it's the specific use within the phrase "israeli apartheid" which has triggered this block. despicable behavior, google.

update : this has since been fixed, conveniently after israeli apartheid week ended. the word "climategate", another suspected casualty of google auto-suggest, is also back.


itzuliko naiz : fermin muguruza, dam, minsa (desechos), guive, & al rumjen

¡que viva la resitencia del pueblo! ¡que viva que viva que viva palestina!

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