Thursday, March 4, 2010

roqueras ♥ public education

today, march 4th, thousands of students (k-university), parents, teachers, & workers are striking and convening in defense of public education in california and throughout the u.s. students at 9 universities in south africa are striking today as well. we will join them all, in our hearts & in the streets, to fight for what should belong to all of us.


a change is gonna come : sam cooke

The story is that Sam Cooke wrote this after he was arrested after challenging a hotel that denied him a room in Louisiana because he was black. From the first cords, this song fills me with a deep longing......longing for justice, for change, for victoria. It reminds me to be patient and calm, since material changes will not happen overnight.

There've been times that I've thought
I couldn't last for long

But now I think I'm able to carry on
It's been a long time coming
But I know a change is gonna come

: la pachuquita


me gustan los estudiantes : daniel viglietti (original, violeta parra)

this song, written by violeta parra, came out of the unidad popular movement in chile in which a wave of workers,
students, left intellectuals, and professionals swept socialist salvador allende to the presidency in 1970. the protests at uc & elsewhere in california in the past few months have given, i think, a glimpse of some beautiful potential in our movement here. during the fall and winter 09 protests i saw students + janitors+ professors + lab techicians + clerical staff all standing together, united in their demands. and now they are joined by so many other sectors in cities and towns all over. just a beginning, yes, but a good one. long live popular unity!

: diabólica

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